Women and senior citizens are one of the most marginalized and least empowered section of our society. The fight for equal right for women is far from won as there is still sever discrimination and acts of violence against them in rural as well as urban parts of India. Senior Citizens are an integral part our population who are neglected across areas of policy and at times do not receive the amenities they are entitled to. Waco feels that these sections of our population need to be served with dignity and care so as to empower them to create an equal society.

Reference :companies act 2013,schedule vii(iii)promoting gender equality, empowering women, setting up homes and hostels for women and orphans ,setting up old age homes, day care centers and such other facilities for senior citizens.


In line with one of our focus Area of women empowerment ,Waco and who have partnered for the project "Samridhi (Action for adolescent" girls )in 80 villages of Chhatarpur district of Madhya Pradesh .the project aims to reach 2500 to 3500 girls covering 80 village's in selected block in the selected district of Chhatarpur in Madhya Pradesh.

The project aims to collectivize adolescent girls and enhance their life skills,Health care and financial literacy,build their perspective on gender and social equity and increase the possibilities of their leadership in their own communities. The guiding principles of the proposed waco-who project include enabling and equipping adolescent girls to face challenges rather than protecting them.